
Tuesday 25 November 2014

Let's Get this Show Back on the Road...


Rewind back to a whole year ago; I had just applied to University and received all five of my offers from across the country. However the possible inability to achieve sufficient grades loomed for the next nine months.

So lets fast-forward back to the present day; I am currently sat in my room at my first choice university studying the course of my dreams. The past year has proven that sheer determination and hard-work can get you to wherever you want to be. 

Of course, nothing comes easy. Over the past year I've dealt with a poor excuse of a social life and multiple phases of stress and anxiety. But I would not change the past year for anything; I've leant that you cannot expect anything without putting something in, which is applicable to nearly every situation. 

If you want success, work for it. 
If you want people to be nice to you, be nice to them. 

This year is definitely up there with being one of the best years so far; I feel as if I have accomplished so many things in such a small amount of time. 

University has opened my eyes to who I am and the world around me. I have developed some of the closest relationships in my life in a mere two months. I have learnt to become independent and deal with a range of situations that before I would have never wished to encounter. I have explored the importance of work and academic life. And, most mornings, I jump out of bed ready my next challenge, not just breakfast.

University is a strange yet enjoyable transition. I feel as if I have not stopped since the day I arrived and said my emotional farewells to my parents. University feels like a whole new world, completely different to anything you have ever experienced before.