
Tuesday 2 December 2014

BLOGMAS: Day two, Lunch with the Parents

Being at University has made me realise that I am actually quite a home bird (I always thought I was the complete opposite). I mean, don't get me wrong here, I love exploring the world and being my own individual person, but I am highly family orientated. 

It's completely bizarre to wake up and not see my sisters each morning moaning and yawning their heads off. It's utterly nuts to not get lectured by my Mom to clean up my stuff and help around the house. You get the picture? 

Yesterday, my parents came down to Loughborough to visit me for a spot of lunch and shopping in the town. Even though I only got to see them for a little while, I really appreciated it! I showed them around the town and gave them a little tour; I felt so grown up. The strangest part was having them round for a cup of tea afterwards...

Even though I know I'll be going home for three weeks in just over a week, it was hard seeing their car pull away and disappear into the distance. I just wanted to go home and celebrate the month of December with family and friends. 

However, cookies and milk back at my flat made everything a little more bearable! I've realised that it's the little things in life that make everything worthwhile; I'd rather sit in with close friends than go out and be shoved into a room of people I barely know. 

(P.s. My posts will get more interesting, I promise)

Christmas Picture of the Day: Throwback to 2010 with my little sister

Monday 1 December 2014

BLOGMAS: Day One, Liverpool

Have I ever told you how much I dislike trains? No? Well they are not my best friend.

I took a last minute trip to Liverpool to visit my friend at university. The train tickets were pretty hefty at £34.00 return with a rail-card! The trip was just over two hours each way with changes(aaaah!) 

I pretty much experienced a whistle-stop tour of Liverpool and was feeling completely and utterly drained after the short 24 hour trip. Nonetheless, it was a nice change of scenery!

I arrived in Liverpool, in the darkness, at around 21:00 feeling confused and lethargic. After some much needed food, I fell straight to sleep! The next day came with a much awaited lie in and a trip into the main area of Liverpool for some shopping. 

I would love to show you my haul from Liverpool but unfortunately there was no chance of shopping and browsing the Christmas aisles.  Even though Liverpool felt lovely and christmassy, the hoards of people said the opposite; the city was exceptionally busy! The cobbled pavements were bustling with shoppers, musicians and more shoppers (Oh and the occasionally weird looking mickey mouse)

The shops in Liverpool looked absolutely immense and I'd love to visit again so I could experience a relaxed shopping atmosphere! However, it wasn't all negative! Liverpool looked absolutely stunning dressed in twinkling lights and decorations; I felt the excitement of Christmas absorb me in all its glory.