
Saturday 10 May 2014

7 ways to positivity.

I must firstly apologise for my absence over the past month but life has just got very stressful and difficult, no thanks to A-levels. 

I am currently in stress mode which means I rarely see the outside world, spend most of my day worrying and hardly sleeping. I have never ever felt so much pressure in my whole entire life...

But I'm trying to stay positive, no matter how hard it may be! So I thought I'd share my tips on how to stay positive during stressful periods or just in general:

1) Music

Every single morning I listen to music and somehow it manages to wake me up and also cheer up me. Whether it's listening to my iPod whilst applying my make-up or blasting my radio on my way to sixth form, music just has a very positive effect on my mood in the morning. 

2) Go to bed positive 

This appears to be rather difficult because as soon as I hit my bed my brain goes into overdrive, over thinking everything possible. However I've recently found that watching something funny/uplifting before I go to bed (such as the inbetweeners) makes me feel much more positive...

3) Breaks

You need to be able to know when to stop and give yourself a break and that goes for everything. Every now and then you just need to sit yourself down with a nice cup of tea and breathe.

4) Exercise

Even though I haven't tried this recently, I know it works from past experience! There is no better way to clear your head than going for a jog in the open air with no one else around. Plus you feel much better for actually exercising...

5) Treat yourself

I've mostly been treating myself with food lately but I guess treating yourself in anyway will make you feel 10x better. Whether it's shopping, eating or pampering you'll definitely feel a little more positive.

6) Food

Some foods contain natural mood boosters such as oats, bananas, spinach and yoghurt. I'm not going to bore you on how (as that may take a long time) but it's basically related to the chemicals that they release as they have a positive impact on our bodies. Plus they're all pretty healthy...

7) Friends&Family

These are the two groups of people in my life that I can guarantee will make me happy in a second. Whether you need them for advice or just a general pick up, nine times out of ten they will be there for you. Plus friends always seem to be going through roughly the same things as you so they will understand what you're going through. If not, they can be great mood busters. 

Here are also a few snaps that keep me positive...


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