
Tuesday 2 December 2014

BLOGMAS: Day two, Lunch with the Parents

Being at University has made me realise that I am actually quite a home bird (I always thought I was the complete opposite). I mean, don't get me wrong here, I love exploring the world and being my own individual person, but I am highly family orientated. 

It's completely bizarre to wake up and not see my sisters each morning moaning and yawning their heads off. It's utterly nuts to not get lectured by my Mom to clean up my stuff and help around the house. You get the picture? 

Yesterday, my parents came down to Loughborough to visit me for a spot of lunch and shopping in the town. Even though I only got to see them for a little while, I really appreciated it! I showed them around the town and gave them a little tour; I felt so grown up. The strangest part was having them round for a cup of tea afterwards...

Even though I know I'll be going home for three weeks in just over a week, it was hard seeing their car pull away and disappear into the distance. I just wanted to go home and celebrate the month of December with family and friends. 

However, cookies and milk back at my flat made everything a little more bearable! I've realised that it's the little things in life that make everything worthwhile; I'd rather sit in with close friends than go out and be shoved into a room of people I barely know. 

(P.s. My posts will get more interesting, I promise)

Christmas Picture of the Day: Throwback to 2010 with my little sister

Monday 1 December 2014

BLOGMAS: Day One, Liverpool

Have I ever told you how much I dislike trains? No? Well they are not my best friend.

I took a last minute trip to Liverpool to visit my friend at university. The train tickets were pretty hefty at £34.00 return with a rail-card! The trip was just over two hours each way with changes(aaaah!) 

I pretty much experienced a whistle-stop tour of Liverpool and was feeling completely and utterly drained after the short 24 hour trip. Nonetheless, it was a nice change of scenery!

I arrived in Liverpool, in the darkness, at around 21:00 feeling confused and lethargic. After some much needed food, I fell straight to sleep! The next day came with a much awaited lie in and a trip into the main area of Liverpool for some shopping. 

I would love to show you my haul from Liverpool but unfortunately there was no chance of shopping and browsing the Christmas aisles.  Even though Liverpool felt lovely and christmassy, the hoards of people said the opposite; the city was exceptionally busy! The cobbled pavements were bustling with shoppers, musicians and more shoppers (Oh and the occasionally weird looking mickey mouse)

The shops in Liverpool looked absolutely immense and I'd love to visit again so I could experience a relaxed shopping atmosphere! However, it wasn't all negative! Liverpool looked absolutely stunning dressed in twinkling lights and decorations; I felt the excitement of Christmas absorb me in all its glory. 

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Let's Get this Show Back on the Road...


Rewind back to a whole year ago; I had just applied to University and received all five of my offers from across the country. However the possible inability to achieve sufficient grades loomed for the next nine months.

So lets fast-forward back to the present day; I am currently sat in my room at my first choice university studying the course of my dreams. The past year has proven that sheer determination and hard-work can get you to wherever you want to be. 

Of course, nothing comes easy. Over the past year I've dealt with a poor excuse of a social life and multiple phases of stress and anxiety. But I would not change the past year for anything; I've leant that you cannot expect anything without putting something in, which is applicable to nearly every situation. 

If you want success, work for it. 
If you want people to be nice to you, be nice to them. 

This year is definitely up there with being one of the best years so far; I feel as if I have accomplished so many things in such a small amount of time. 

University has opened my eyes to who I am and the world around me. I have developed some of the closest relationships in my life in a mere two months. I have learnt to become independent and deal with a range of situations that before I would have never wished to encounter. I have explored the importance of work and academic life. And, most mornings, I jump out of bed ready my next challenge, not just breakfast.

University is a strange yet enjoyable transition. I feel as if I have not stopped since the day I arrived and said my emotional farewells to my parents. University feels like a whole new world, completely different to anything you have ever experienced before. 

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Magic Kingdom: Day One

Kitted out in my Minnie mouse ears, I was ready to take on the world. I'd been dreaming of this day for a little over a year now and I was ready, prepared and hungry. OK. Slight exaggeration, but you get the picture. 

The whole square was buzzing with excitement and soon enough I became overwhelmed by pretty much everything. The castle, the characters, the music, the parade; the list went on and on. I hopped into the line to meet Marie the Cat; the cuddliest (and probably hottest) character in the whole park. After cuddles and pictures, we headed to the main shop within the park and my oh my was I spoilt for choice. Everything you could possibly imagine was there in Disney form, everything!

Our first ride of the holiday was the many adventures of Winnie the Pooh ride; we sure know how to kick things off! It was the only ride with a justifiable queue and to be honest, I love a bit of Winnie the Pooh. Other rides of the day included Under the Sea: journey of the Little Mermaid, the barnstormer and splash mountain. I've just realised how little that sounds but seriously, there is so much to see and do that you get distracted from the rides!

Splash Mountain was by far my favourite ride of the whole day, even though it was an hours wait. It was fun-filled and cooled me down after standing in the Florida sun for an hour!

But then we decided to say Goodbye to Magic Kingdom for the day (since we were still jet-lagged) and head back to the hotel room for some food and well deserved sleep! 

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Guess who's back...


I'm finally back off my holiday (well actually I got back last Monday but unfortunately I've had to work every single day since I've been back) I've got loads of posts lined up about my trip to Florida and all the lovely goodies I brought back with me.

One thing that I purchased in Orlando, Florida is this lovely black fedora hat from Forever 21. It was on offer for $10 so roughly £6.00; I love a bargain. I've wanted a hat for ages but could not justify spending £15.00 plus for one, so when I saw this I had to grab it. 

I also ventured into the Mac store at the Mall at Millenia in Orlando and splurged a little on some foundation. I brought the studio sculpt foundation broad spectrum SPF 15 in NW15 and it fits like a glove. I have never tried such a good, long lasting foundation ever before in my whole entire life. It feels amazing and makes my skin looks airbrushed and I just love it (I'm wearing it in the pictures above). 

The lady at Mac also recommended investing in a stipple brush to apply my foundation rather than a flat foundation and it's worked wonders! I feel like I'm painting my face and actually enjoy doing my make up! (I picked up an elf stipple brush from walmart for $3.00) 

So that's just a start to my American purchases and adventures...I literally had the best time have a picture of me and Mickey Mouse!

Speak Soon Lovelies! xxx

Monday 28 July 2014

Orlando, Florida

Have you ever realised how big the roads are in America? Trust me, they're huge. 

I've been in Florida for just over a week now and I am absolutely loving it. At the moment, I'm travelling down to a place called anna maria island on the gulf coast for a spot of relaxation after non stop fun in orlando.

I think I may have found my favourite place: orlando, florida.  A place where it's socially acceptable to act like a child and wear minnie mouse ears all day every day.  Aswell as it being acceptable to eat doughnuts for breakfast and to eat double your calorie intake.

So far, I've visited magic kingdom, epcot, animal kingdom, typhoon lagoon, universal studios and island of adventure and they've all been insane. Of course, I'm absolutely exhausted but the atmosphere (and sugar) keeps me going. 
Whilst being out here, I've seriously considered my life choices like travelling.  Visiting the disney parks ignites a magical feeling inside me and a voice that screams 'this is you!' I think I would happily jump at any opportunity to work at walt Disney world.  I know, I know, it would ruin the magic etc etc but
...imagine! But not just that, I have experienced massive urges to travel and see the world.

Anywho I'm having a fabulous time and I still have a week left! (Wish it was longer. ..)

Sunday 13 July 2014

Bright is alright.

I'm a little timid when it comes to being adventurous with clothes. The clothes in my wardrobe are mainly those of a darker shade: blacks, greys and blues. However this summer I thought I'd take a step on the wild side and be a little more loud with my clothing. 

I picked up this little cropped shirt from River Island in the sale for a mere £10.00 down from £26.00. The pattern is loud and beautiful; I absolutely love it! The shirt reminds me of a carnival in an exotic destination (oh la la). I can't wait to pair the shirt with a cute pair of light blue denim shorts on my holiday! (Plus it still looks super cute with my jeans as well, bonus!)

P.S. Yes I still had the sale tag still on my shirt...oops. 



Friday 11 July 2014


I've always had a bit of a thing for historical locations. No matter the history, I'm always intrigued to visit places that have an impact on today's society - Stratford being one of them. 

Being interested in both English and History, Stratford is one of my favourite places as it is the birthplace of William Shakespeare. Not only that, it is home to some of the cutest shops and restaurants in the country (slightly bias). 

My friend and I took a day out to the town for something different to do and we both really enjoyed it! From Birmingham, the train to Stratford was only £7.40 each, making it an absolute bargain. We stopped off for lunch straight away at a quaint Italian cafe hidden down a side street; the cafe and food was perfect! 

The rest of the day was spent exploring and lazying around; we did nothing in particular. We sat in the park and watched the world go by, as well as drinking some amazing milkshakes from the blue cow. It was the perfect location to just sit, relax and chat. 



Saturday 5 July 2014

New Beginnings

Just over a week ago, I celebrated the end of sixth form and A-Levels with a sixth form prom. It was a lovely night filled with glamorous dresses and lovely company, plus lots of food! 

Now, I'm working full time and preparing for my holiday to Orlando, Florida...ahh! It's crazy, and kinda scary, how much can change in such a short space of time. I've gone from being stress crazy to actually being able to enjoy my time...bizarre! 

P.S. If anyone is dress is from Quiz :) 



Monday 23 June 2014

Tea Temperature?

I love how, at the minute, the hardest decision I experience is what temperature to drink my tea at. Do I drink it right from the kettle and burn my mouth or leave it cool off a little? What is the perfect tea temperature? 

Just over a month ago, my exams had started and my brain had gone into overdrive. Now I spend my days daydreaming, exploring and living; weird huh? I've really enjoyed being able to appreciate things and feel happy once again; I've been able to spend time with my family and enjoy just basically living! 

Recent trips to the cities of Lichfield and Worcester have made me realise how much I truly miss exploring new places and being outdoors, especially in the beautiful weather. The new and unfamiliar surroundings have made my imagination explode with thoughts and feelings; further inspiration for writing and dreaming. 

Plus, I've also been able to spend time with my family and actually get along with them! During my exam period I was full of stress and nerves which caused tension between my family and I but now I'm really enjoying their company. 

I've also just got a job, which I started on Sunday, and I am truly over the moon about it. I've been unemployed since January and have really missed earning money, working and socialising. I'm really looking forward to spending my summer at my new job; it's a happy place to be. 

So things are looking up and I am taking everything one little step at a time, truly appreciating everything around me. How else can you enjoy life? 

P.S. There are so many cute shops in the city of Worcester...sweet shops to clothes shops! One shop that was really cute was called New England country store, filled with cute items, stocking brands such as Cath Kidston! 

Saturday 21 June 2014

£5.00 Swimming Costume?

Following a recent George sale at Asda, my mom picked me up this unique swimming costume for only £5.00! Yes, £5.00. 

I'd spotted the little beauty previously and fell in love with the print; it screams holiday, holiday, holiday! So I was well chuffed when my mom brought it back for me reduced from £12.00 to £5.00. It fits really well and is true to size; I can't wait to wear it in Florida! 

The costume also features "tummy control" but I didn't really notice any difference when I had it on. Plus, you can wear the costume both strapless and halter-neck, snazzy!

I've previously brought swimming costumes from Asda and they've lasted really well! Has anyone else picked up any bargains lately? 

Speak soon m'dears 


Thursday 19 June 2014

Throwback Thursday: Swimming with Dolphins

When I was a little lass my summer holidays were mainly spent in the Island of Tenerife, fascinated by the dolphins at Loro park. Every single show they would pick a child from the audience to star in the dolphin show and surprise surprise, they never picked me! (It may have been something to do with the fact that I was a rather chubby child who may have weighed down the little rubber boat)I remember getting really upset every single time I got rejected. I was madly and deeply in love with the sea mammals. 

Then, two years ago, my dreams came true! On a family holiday to the island of Cuba we took a trip to swim with dolphins just a coach trip away. I could not contain my excitement. After sixteen years I was finally going to experience my childhood dream...

We had to take a boat trip over the site; the Bahia de Naranjo Nature park was located in the middle of the ocean, it was incredible! We were one of the first groups to enter the pool with the dolphins; we paid extra to do three tricks which were unreal.

I got the opportunity to get lifted up by the dolphins, waterki with the dolphins and get pulled around the pool by them. All three tricks were absolutely insane; it was truly a once in a lifetime opportunity. 

After the tricks, we had an interaction session with the dolphins; we were split into groups of ten and did loads of little tricks with them.

I was like a small child in a sweet shop. I left the pool completely buzzing (lol) from the experience; I can't even begin to explain how happy I was! 

But then it got even better! We went to watch the dolphin show and guess what? I GOT CHOSEN TO TAKE PART. Even though I had to kinda sorta embarrass myself in front of the entire audience, it was so worth it! I got to go in the water with the dolphins again and have one on one time with the dolphins; it was truly incredible! 

Have you ever swam with dolphins? If so, where?! 

Plus, let me know what your childhood dreams are and if you've ever achieved them! 

Thanks xxx