
Friday 28 February 2014

French Magic


I adored Paris much more than I once thought I would. I had been previously told that the people were rude and the city was dirty, but fortunately I never experienced any of these things. Within a single day I had fallen hard for the city and loved every single little thing about it, including the baguettes.

My love for the city grew even further when I saw it at night; the sights are unbelievable. A small group of us got the metro to Trocadéro, which is the iconic place where Hitler stood during the second world war in front of the Eiffel Tower. The area was bustling with people who all stared straight ahead at the huge lit up tower, it was magnificent. 

The Eiffel Tower was scheduled to start the iconic twinkling at 21:00 so we wandered around for an hour waiting, which wasn't too bad as I purchased a delicious chocolate covered waffle. 

Once the Eiffel Tower started to twinkle, the whole city simply felt magical. I couldn't get over the sight I was witnessing, I loved it!

The metro journey home completely topped my night accordion player got on and started playing whilst we were travelling through Paris' brightly lit skyline. It couldn't get more perfect!

Tomorrow I will be posting my final post on Paris (Boo) but my travels aren't over yet!


Moustashaa xxx

Thursday 27 February 2014

J'adore Paris

DAY TWO: Destination PARIS

After an early start and a journey from London to Dover we were finally on the ferry raring to go. My previous adventures on ferry's had not gone down too well; one past experience involved me being sick over a French man's coat, oops. 

However the journey was smooth and enjoyable, especially since there was a duty free on board. I managed to purchase my smashbox primer for only £20.00 rather than £25.00, as you can imagine I was rather impressed. The journey was over before we knew it, mainly because we spent the majority of the journey on the top deck acting like pirates. 

It was a hefty drive from Calais to Paris and it seemed to go on forever. We arrived in Paris at night time so it was rather difficult to see anything and I was a little disappointed. 

We arrived at the hotel and had some dinner, and I pretty much collapsed on my bed for another well earned rest.


With another early start, it was fair to say that I was already exhausted but my excitement for the day ahead kept me going. We departed for the Eiffel tower and I could barely contain my excitement, even though I knew I had a small, itsy bitsy fear of heights.

Whilst driving through the streets of Paris the Eiffel tower became more and more apparent, appearing through trees and buildings. I was constantly snapping pictures through my camera and I could not get over the sight I was witnessing. When we arrived my neck craned up and my knees wobbled a tad, I was ridiculously apprehensive. 

But surprisingly I made it to the very top of the Eiffel tower and it was truly amazing. Even though the stairs to the second floor were, to say the least, tiring and I frequently had to distract myself from the thought of being so high up! However it was all worth it when I reached the top; the views were incredible and I loved every single second of it!

The group then dispersed onto a river cruise along the river Seine which allowed us to observe sights such as the Notre dame and the Eiffel tower. At this point I had to whop out my sunnies as it turned out to be a beautiful day in Paris!

We then stopped for a bite to eat and we found a really cute cafe where I experienced a rather tasty milka muffin! After lunch we explored some of the local shops including a lush shop; they seemed to be everywhere I turned.

Lastly we ventured to the Paris Opera House which was absolutely stunning and beautiful and gahh, it was insane! We were given a very informative but basic tour, as not all of us were that interested in opera, but it was lovely to explore nonetheless.

I will be posting tomorrow about the rest of my travels, including the Eiffel tower at night!

Thanks xxx

Wednesday 26 February 2014


Last night I arrived back from the most tiring but amazing experience of my life, and boy was I glad to be home! I've been away for six days and have travelled from London to Paris to Belgium to Amsterdam and back, it has been truly amazing. 


After departing at 6 am, we arrived in London at around 9 am and headed straight to Parliament for a tour. The local MP for our area gave us a tour of all things parliamentary, which I hadn't got a clue about. It was surprisingly interesting and I managed to observe some amazing sights. 

After a quick tea break on the river Thames we headed to the tube station and got the tube to Camden market. I had always wanted to visit Camden but unfortunately I wasn't given a large amount of time to explore and didn't purchase anything *insert sad face*. However I enjoyed my time there and plan on visiting again very soon. 

We then arrived at our hotel for the night and got ready for our night ahead. A group of eighty completely swamped a pizza hut restaurant as we had our evening meal of a pizza buffet, which of course I took full advantage of. Then we headed to the west end show of The woman in black, which I was very apprehensive about. I'd seen the film and hated it, and also heard that it was even worse on stage, great. 

It scared me, no word of a lie, but it was more the suspense and tension than anything else. I thought the show was absolutely incredible, even though it had me screaming into my coat frequently throughout. But I did buy a lovely tub of strawberries and cream ice cream to calm my nerves!

The first day of the trip was ridiculously tiring but also very enjoyable! Finally, after hours of waiting, I was able to go to bed and get some long awaited sleep, ready for the next day! 

Saturday 15 February 2014

The 1975

On Wednesday I finally got to see the 1975 live after months of waiting!

After some stressful last minutes changes I managed to get there and actually enjoy myself! I was full of excitement but that was soon drained away by the wind as it blew me away on several occasions. Me and my friends grabbed a subway and then headed to queue at the O2 Academy in Birmingham. 

The queue was the longest I've ever seen it and it was absolutely freezing but after about forty minutes we were finally inside! Of course we weren't at the front, but we got as close as we could and got a little squished in the process! The neighbourhood supported them and were on about thirty minutes before; they were insanely good!

The 1975 blew me away; I was definitely in love with them after the first song! Their energy was insane and they kept the crowd really entertained, they also played all the songs I could possibly think of! The atmosphere was crazy and I was singing and dancing all night, as well as being squished up strangers. 

I apologise for the lack and quality of photos as I only had my mobile on my which, surprisingly, isn't the best camera! 



Friday 14 February 2014

Valentines Day!

Firstly, a massive big happy valentines day to all my lovely followers and readers!

As a singleton I guess I'm supposed to be hating on all of these cute posts and pictures, but I'm not! Valentines day doesn't bother me in the slightest, I'm not against it or for it; I just go with it.

I've had two previous valentines with the same person and they were nothing special and nothing to rave about, it's just a day!I dreamt of having a romantic day with roses and chocolates, but when I actually received these I cringed. Two years ago I was brought a bouquet of roses, which I guess is every girls dream, but it kind of made me squirm a little. I love romantic films but any first hand romance is not my thing.

To be honest, I completey forgot it was valentines day today...until Google and my Facebook news feed reminded me! Oh and the only valentines day card I received was from Keele university, thanks guys...

But it's not all doom and gloom! Yesterday I had a cute dinner date with one of my friends and ate lots of food, plus I'm going on to London, Paris, Belgium and Amsterdam next week!

And today my Eastpak bag arrived ready for my trip on Wednesday! I purchased it from and it was in the sale for £25.75 which is a really good buy! It has loads of plane tickets all over it which I found really cute.

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend! 


Saturday 8 February 2014

January Favourites

In all honesty January has been a pretty good start to the year. Nothing negative happened and I shared the month with family and friends, which completed the month for me.
I managed to catch up with friends who I hadn't seen in ages and spent an amazing weekend with my family, which rarely happens!

Here are a few of my January favourites which have benefited me massively this month; I think I've fallen in love!

Two out of the five were Christmas presents as it takes me ages to actually move my presents and begin to use them! (I hate seeing the back of Christmas)

I received absolutely loads of soap and glory products so I've been testing them out whilst using them to relax after stressful days! In the boots January sale I picked up a Soap and Glory Facetime set for £12.00, which contained make up wipes, BB cream, a lip balm and a puffy eye attack. I brought the set because I wanted the puffy eye attack which, on its own, is priced at £9.00, so I decided to buy this set instead. 

I must admit, it has reduced the bags under my eyes, not as much as I'd hoped, but it has made a difference. It's simple to use and effective so it's definitely one of my Jan favs!

Secondly I received a Peaches and cream purifying cleanser in a set and it is truly amazing. The smell is lovely and it's really nice to put on after removing your make up. It has made my skin super soft and smooth. 

The Ciate mini nail varnish in pillow fight has solved my nail painting dilemmas throughout January. The colour goes with every outfit and is really subtle for those dull winter days. I'm in love!

Another Christmas present was my Costa flask. This flask has been my saviour nearly every morning of January when my bus decides to be late. Considering the mornings are absolutely freezing my drink continues to stay warm until I reach my destination, and for £3.00 you can't go wrong! 

Lastly it's my Victoria's secret spray in Aqua Kiss. This stuff is honestly amazing, and when I spray it I always get complimented about how nice I smell, which is a bonus! It's a nice subtle smell, but is super sweet, which I adore! On a night out I go overload with this stuff!

I have loads more favourites of January but I thought I'd give you a subtle taste of my month!

Thanks xxx

Saturday 1 February 2014

Smashbox: Studio Skin Foundation

My search for a decent foundation has never been easy. I've tried various brands, mainly high-street, and have never ever found one that works wonders!

So today I ventured into boots planning on just picking up a standard high-street foundation, however I turned brave! I wondered over to the counter section, and browsed the benefit counter. Unfortunately there wasn't an assistant there and I didn't have a clue what to look at!

Then my eyes fell upon the smashbox counter and a super friendly assistant was at my side in an instant. I blabbered some nonsense to her that I didn't even understand about how I couldn't find a foundation. She pointed me in the right direction, and said that she could do a trial of the foundation on my face. I picked the full coverage foundation, studio skin and she picked out the 1.1 shade, which is the lightest. 

She talked me through the process, first removing all my make up and then applying a simple, oil free primer. The primer was amazing and made my skin feel super soft! She then applied the foundation, which suited my skin perfectly, then following with a concealer under my eyes. She then topped it off with the smashbox powder to complete the look, she was an absolute star!

My face felt super light and not cakey in the slightest. The colour suited my skin and blended in perfectly, giving me a natural look, which I've desired for ages!

I left with just the foundation, as I didn't really want to blow my bank account in under an hour, and was given a free sample of the primer. The foundation set me back £27.50, which is a far bit more than the the average high-street foundation. Nevertheless I can't wait to apply it myself and discover all the other smashbox goodies on offer!

So if you're like me and really want to approach the make up counters but are too scared, don't be! I absolutely loved getting a one on one consolation plus it was free of charge, so it's definitely worth giving it a try if you're lost like me! 



New York Goodies

Unfortunately I have not visited New York recently *sigh* but one of my friends has just come back from visiting, and she brought me some goodies! 

Although I was ridiculously jealous, I couldn't of been more excited for her. The whole experience looked amazing, and she even got to visit the Tiffany & Co store! (sadly she did not buy me anything from there, ha!)

But she did buy me these cute little goodies, including a NY shot glass and two Victoria's Secret's sprays, which are miniature sized!

The sprays smell ridiculously good, of course, and the shot glass is mega cute! I could not have been happier!

We had a little catch up at Frankie&Benny's and then, after some chit-chat, went to watch That awkward moment at the cinema. The film was insanely good and had me smiling from ear to ear, definitely a must see! (especially for Zac Efron's bum)


