
Thursday 27 February 2014

J'adore Paris

DAY TWO: Destination PARIS

After an early start and a journey from London to Dover we were finally on the ferry raring to go. My previous adventures on ferry's had not gone down too well; one past experience involved me being sick over a French man's coat, oops. 

However the journey was smooth and enjoyable, especially since there was a duty free on board. I managed to purchase my smashbox primer for only £20.00 rather than £25.00, as you can imagine I was rather impressed. The journey was over before we knew it, mainly because we spent the majority of the journey on the top deck acting like pirates. 

It was a hefty drive from Calais to Paris and it seemed to go on forever. We arrived in Paris at night time so it was rather difficult to see anything and I was a little disappointed. 

We arrived at the hotel and had some dinner, and I pretty much collapsed on my bed for another well earned rest.


With another early start, it was fair to say that I was already exhausted but my excitement for the day ahead kept me going. We departed for the Eiffel tower and I could barely contain my excitement, even though I knew I had a small, itsy bitsy fear of heights.

Whilst driving through the streets of Paris the Eiffel tower became more and more apparent, appearing through trees and buildings. I was constantly snapping pictures through my camera and I could not get over the sight I was witnessing. When we arrived my neck craned up and my knees wobbled a tad, I was ridiculously apprehensive. 

But surprisingly I made it to the very top of the Eiffel tower and it was truly amazing. Even though the stairs to the second floor were, to say the least, tiring and I frequently had to distract myself from the thought of being so high up! However it was all worth it when I reached the top; the views were incredible and I loved every single second of it!

The group then dispersed onto a river cruise along the river Seine which allowed us to observe sights such as the Notre dame and the Eiffel tower. At this point I had to whop out my sunnies as it turned out to be a beautiful day in Paris!

We then stopped for a bite to eat and we found a really cute cafe where I experienced a rather tasty milka muffin! After lunch we explored some of the local shops including a lush shop; they seemed to be everywhere I turned.

Lastly we ventured to the Paris Opera House which was absolutely stunning and beautiful and gahh, it was insane! We were given a very informative but basic tour, as not all of us were that interested in opera, but it was lovely to explore nonetheless.

I will be posting tomorrow about the rest of my travels, including the Eiffel tower at night!

Thanks xxx

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