
Friday 28 February 2014

French Magic


I adored Paris much more than I once thought I would. I had been previously told that the people were rude and the city was dirty, but fortunately I never experienced any of these things. Within a single day I had fallen hard for the city and loved every single little thing about it, including the baguettes.

My love for the city grew even further when I saw it at night; the sights are unbelievable. A small group of us got the metro to Trocadéro, which is the iconic place where Hitler stood during the second world war in front of the Eiffel Tower. The area was bustling with people who all stared straight ahead at the huge lit up tower, it was magnificent. 

The Eiffel Tower was scheduled to start the iconic twinkling at 21:00 so we wandered around for an hour waiting, which wasn't too bad as I purchased a delicious chocolate covered waffle. 

Once the Eiffel Tower started to twinkle, the whole city simply felt magical. I couldn't get over the sight I was witnessing, I loved it!

The metro journey home completely topped my night accordion player got on and started playing whilst we were travelling through Paris' brightly lit skyline. It couldn't get more perfect!

Tomorrow I will be posting my final post on Paris (Boo) but my travels aren't over yet!


Moustashaa xxx

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